Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tragedy in Connecticut

I had originally planned my next post to be the second half of my response to CMIs "15 Questions for Evolutionists," but after yesterday's tragedy in Connecticut, decided to offer up my condolences to the victims and their families, as well as all those affected by the actions of one misguided individual.

What disturbs me most, being that the event has transpired and many have chimed in about it all over the internet, is the overwhelming amount of criticism ranging from President Obama's address to the USA, to the response from Creationists. I mention Creationists strictly because this blog is directed towards the topic of Creation vs Evolution; there are many who are not creationists that have left appalling remarks regarding the incident.

Let me first address the the latter population; Why? why even bother with remarks discussing Obama's "fake" tears, or stating this has been a staged event to make political agendas move forward (yeah, conspiracy theorists are coming out on this as well). A large amount of life was cut short yesterday, large amounts of life gets cut short everyday, but having it done so much more closer to home is what hits people the most. Does that mean young lives in war torn countries dont matter, no, wake up people! Being a student in university, I have genuine fears and thoughts of a person coming into my classrooms and destroying lives of people and myself. I'm not a parent, but I have a niece and nephew and would be heartbroken if this situation happened to them. I have family from my spouses side that has young children, or even young children from my brother-in-laws side that in the case that this would happen to them, I would also be heartbroken. The point is, people get emotional about this because it has hit so close to home; this doesnt mean that children from other nations that have their lives cut short dont matter. I find people who bring this up to be hypocritical, why not go and help those children or their families if your concerned enough to mention it?

As for the creationist perspective, some remarks have already hit the www, and while not surprised, I have to say it is just as disturbing as the events that happened in Connecticut yesterday.

Eric Hovind (son of Creationist Kent Hovind) Tweeted: Are you happy now that the shooter grew up in a school without God? So while this doesn't speak for all proponents of Creation, it may be a general concensus that humanity is crumbling due to a lack of faith in God. News flash, humanity has been crumbling for over 10,000 years. Humanity borders on depravity, whether or not faith in the christian God is present. People kill in the name of God, people kill due to mental health issues, people kill due to greed, people kill no matter what the situation, again with or without a God.

I suppose this rant leads into another creationist trait; blame, as in Creationists always point the finger towards an opposing opinion, mainly for their own personal gain.

Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not sure. All that should matter is the healing process that the victims will hopefully go through, as this situation is one that will never fully heal.

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